Postpartum depression is far from a myth. Many mothers experience symptoms of similar mental recovery after childbirth, among the problems of which there are not only mood swings, but also more serious psychological trauma. That’s why your postpartum recovery process should definitely include the necessary measures to help you cope with the psychological burden more easily.


Going to a specialist is always a rational decision, especially if you feel that you cannot go through the processes going on in you on your own. Support from loved ones is important, but sometimes it is up to the doctor to help a mother who has recently given birth, if necessary to prescribe a course of treatment.


But many women in our country are in no hurry to go to specialists, as qualified help from a psychologist is not as popular among Russian women as it is among women abroad. To support their psychological and emotional state in the first weeks after the birth of a child, it is necessary not to forget about the way of life. The first thing that can bring tangible benefits is a walk, with or without the baby, if there is someone who can help you. Get out of the house every day, at least for a little while. So you save yourself the risk of getting into a “confined space” and reduce the stress of the day. In addition, fresh air is good for your immune system, and a change of scenery will give you a different perspective on the things that surround you at home.

New friendships

The first weeks after the baby, of course, will limit you in all your usual interests, but nevertheless, you should not forget that you need to communicate. Many women begin to communicate with other mothers and attend themed activities with their children. This type of activity will greatly expand your circle of communication and allow you to get support, both emotional and material. It may be fundamentally different from what you were doing before, but either way it will be rewarding.


Another good way to deal with the psychological strain is to travel. First, it shows that you are not stopping your life, and even the opposite – it is now even more fulfilling, and secondly, this way you allow yourself to continue your development and that of your child. Traveling with your child should no longer be a new source of stress, because with proper preparation, such an event can be turned into an amazing adventure that will have a positive impact on your health.


Sex after having a baby requires preparation and awareness of what’s going on with your body. Despite this, there is no reason to give up your usual lifestyle altogether. Many women say that the effects of childbirth can affect the comfort of intercourse: discharge, pain; but not at all on their desire and ability to get aroused or achieve orgasm. In addition to being perfectly feasible, sex after pregnancy is also a powerful emotional and physiological stimulant for your recovery – if you feel you really want it, of course. Even if your libido is experiencing permanent changes due to hormonal surges, you can always get sex back into your life, all you need to do is to get it right.